Alexandra Laignel-Lavastine

Alexandra Laignel-Lavastine

Alexandra Lavastine is a french PhD philosopher and historian born in Paris in 1966.

As a specialist of Eastern European Intellectuals in the 20th Century she has published several books and essays, all translated in different languages, including Polish: Esprits d'Europe: Autour de Czeslaw Milosz, Jan Patocka et Istvan Bibo (Calmann-Lévy 2005 and Pocket Folio-Gallimard, 2010), awarded in Lausanne the Prix Européen de l’Essai “Charles Veillon” in 2005; Cioran, Eliade, Ionesco: L’Oubli du fascisme (Presses universitaires de France, 2002); Jan Patocka, L’Esprit de la dissidence (Michalon, 1998).