
The premiere was in July 1999, in the White Synagogue, Sejny (the 1st version premiere took place in May 1996). 

The script is based on a symbolic play Zwichen Zwei Weltn by Solomon Seinwil Rapoport known by his literary pseudonym - Shloime Ansky. The play's plot is set in the Chassidic milieu in the eastern outskirts of the former Republic of Poland. It is a story of a tragic love that finds its fulfilment after the death. 
The places associated with the Jewish culture in Sejny are now filled with another content, but the house of the White Synagogue, a former yeshiva, a destroyed cemetery with scraps of macewas make us remember the vanished world. The Dybbuk, a performance with traditional folk Jewish life music, momentarily brings the silent tradition to the present. 

Adaptation: Małgorzata Sporek-Czyżewska, Wojciech Szroeder 
Scenography: Wiesław Szumiński
Direction: Wojciech Szroeder, Małgorzata Sporek-Czyżewska 

Przechodzień (Passerby): Michał Moniuszko 
Chonen: Adam Pogorzelski 
Lea: Aneta Stabińska 
Sender: Radosław Polakowski 
Babka (Grandma): Irena Namiotkiewicz 
Siostra (Sister): Magdalena Urynowicz 
Żebraczki (Beggars): Irena Namiotkiewicz, Magdalena Urynowicz 
Szkolarze Jesziwy: Artur Kisielewski, Mariusz Tomkiewicz, Robert Tomkiewicz 
Pan Młody (Groom): Artur Kisielewski 
Rabbi Azriel: Robert Tomkiewicz 
Chasydzi (Chassids): Artur Kisielewski, Mariusz Tomkiewicz, Adam Pogorzelski