Krzysztof Lisowski, "Greckie lustro"

Krzysztof Lisowski, "Greckie lustro"


publishing year:. 2011,
ISBN 978-83-61388-21-0,
pages 160,
hard cover

language: Polish

cena: 30 PLN
W księgarni online

This book is deeply a love story,a proff af late love but faithful and unconditional.

I have been writing it several years travelling around Peloponez, greek and croatian isles. Small Asia, visiting historical places, famous cities, brilliant archeological museums and villages difficult to find on the map, reading classical and contemporary literature in which fascination of Greece and Middleterrean Sea mythos.

I was accompannied with Borges thought that "we all are Greek in exile", and few more readers will be happy to join me in this neverending journey.

Krzysztof Lisowski