Sunday, 25 August 2002: Anniversary of a Crime against Culture

Sunday, 25 August 2002: Anniversary of a Crime against Culture

Lament for Vijećnica

The National Library burned for three days last August and 
the city was choked with black snow. 

Set free from the stacks, characters wandered the streets, 
mingling with passers-by and the souls of dead soldiers. 

I saw Werther sitting on the ruined graveyard fence; I saw 
Quasimodo swinging one-handed from a minaret. 

Raskolnikov and Mersault whispered together for days 
in my cellar; Gavroche paraded in camouflage fatigues; 

Yossarian was already selling spares to the enemy; for a 
few dinars young Sawyer would dive off Princip's bridge. 

Each day---more ghosts and fewer people alive; and the terrible 
suspicion formed that the shells fell just for me. 

I locked myself in the house. I leafed through tourist guides. 
I didn't come out until the radio told me 

how they'd taken ten tons of coals from the deepest cellar of 
the burned-out National Library. 

--Goran Simic (1993)