3rd of December - Maalot Tarshiha Music Center

3rd of December - Maalot Tarshiha Music Center

Tales of Co-existence. The Invisible Bridge. Borderland in Western Galilee (28.11-4.12.2019)

 An official presentation crowning the project "Tales of Co-existence. The Invisible Bridge".

The program of the meeting includes a joint concert prepared by the Klezmer Orchestra of the Sejny Theater and the Maalot-Tarshiha Orchestra and a presentation of film animation directed by Daria Kopiec, created as part of the workshop "Family Home - Neighborhood House"

Tales of Co-existence. The Invisible Bridge. Borderland in Western Galilee

Dofinansowano ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego” w ramach Programu „Kultura Inspirująca”