Dragan Klaic, The Mobility of Imagination. A Guide to International Cultural Cooperation

Dragan Klaic, The Mobility of Imagination. A Guide to International Cultural Cooperation

Is there a model for international cultural cooperation, as far as building an integrated European culture sphere is concerned? This book depicts international projects as an expanded development strategy, which does not neglect the characteristics, diversity, and the limitations of cultural systems in various countries. It’s an essential instrument for every professional cultural operator.

International cooperation in the cultural sphere has to be perceived as the first step in establishing global citizenship in culture, which is characterized by awareness, responsibility, and feelings of solidarity. (…) The critical approach to globalization, its potential for redistribution of wealth, power, and opportunities at the cost of justice and equality is based on recognizing the cultural diversity and feelings of cultural solidarity confirmed by numerous forms of international cultural cooperation.

Dragan Klaic (1950-2011) – theater expert and cultural analyst, permanent member of the Felix Meritis Foundation in Amsterdam, participant of multiple conferences and symposia. Taught Art and Cultural Policy at Leiden University. Worked as an advisor, publisher, essayist, researcher, and teacher. He was interested in contemporary performative arts, cultural strategies in Europe, strategies of cultural development and international cultural cooperation, interculturalism, and cultural memory.

The Mobility of Imagination. A Guide to International Cultural Cooperation Dragan Klaic
publishers: Bęc Zmiana Foundation, National Audiovisual Institute
editors: Ewa Kolankiewicz, Marcela Wasilewska (Federacja Centrum Szpitalna)
translation: Marcin Turski
graphic design: Grzegorz Laszuk

The book was published by the National Audiovisual Institute for the European Culture Congress.