Nikos Stavroulakis

Nikos Stavroulakis

writer, initiated renovation of the Etz Chaim synagogue in Crete and a programme of cultural meetings within it. Founder and first director (1977-1993) of the Greek Jewish Museum in Athens. During this time he was responsible for creating the museum’s basic collection of religious, ethnic and historical artifacts, the sole remnants of a 2400 year Jewish presence in Greece.

He is the author of several books of Judeo-Greek interest including an important guide „Jewish Sites and Synagogues of Greece“ and a book on Judeo-Greek cookery. He has also followed a career as painter and illustrator with work exhibited in the USA, Great Britain, Europe and Israel. Quoting the Old testament, Nikos Stavroulakis said „The people of God should be a light to the nations” and went on to say „We cannot be this light if we hide ourselves away, lock up our synagogues and dwell on the past”.