The Book of Sejny Tales

An illustration to an old Orthodox Sejny Tale

The Sejny Book of Tales was a program devoted to finding, writing down and editing local lagends and tales on the traditions of Sejny and its whereabouts.

The participants were the young people for whom a series of workshops on journalism, writing and art was offered. The invitation to conduct the worshop was accepted by renowned writers from the region and from Poland, such as Agata Tuszyńska, Janina Osewska, Birutė Jonuškaitė, Małgorzata Sporek-Czyżewska and Krzysztof Czyżewski. The writers and the participants prepared the grand Book of Tales, having worked together on the scripts prepared by the participants. The illusrations to the stories were prepared with the help of Wiesław Szumiński. The program activities were attended by the grandparents of the participants who remembered old stories, tales and anecdotes. The conversations with them were audio and video recorded. The tales were put on the webpage. In charge of the program was Bożena Szroeder.