Paweł Szamburski in Sejny

Paweł Szamburski -- the poster

The Borderland Foundation is proud to announce that Paweł Szamburski is going to play live in Sejny on the Old Yeshiva building.

The entrance to the concert (4 December 2022, 19.00) is free.
Paweł Samburski will be playing together with the Klezmer Orchestra of the Sejny Theatre and his concert will be the last one in this year's Musicians Raft. Paweł Szamburski studied anthropology and music in Warsaw. He was a member of a number of important bands that performed Jewish music, such as Cukunft and Ircha. With BASTARDA, which is his latest project, he has worked on a number of records which focused on the Jewish nigunim, fado songs and Polish folk music.
Paweł Szamburski has made a number of solo recordings devoted to European baroque tradition (Ceratitis Capitata) and the music devoted to the most important rites of passage (Uroboros).
To find out more about Paweł Szamburski click here.