Olga Bragina (Kyiv 1982) is a poet, prose writer, and translator. Bragina is the author of six books: Applications (2011), Namedropping (2012), Background Light (2018), Speech is Like a Flash Lamp (2020), Prisms of Pleroma (2021), Pelicans (2021). Her work has appeared in literary journals such as Vozdukh, Interpoezia, Polutona, Novaya Yunost’, Volga, Zinziver, Deti Ra, and others. Her tranlslations of John High’s poetry collection Vanishing Acts and Katie Farris's poetry collection Ice for You were published in Kyiv in 2018 and 2021, respectively.
- Ukraina / Pogranicze / Białoruś
- Pogranicze / Ukraina
- Rezydenci
- Olga Bragina
Olga Bragina
14 kwietnia 2022 11:05

Olga Bragina